Mitkco Electronics is a customer-oriented independent stocking distributor for electronic components and industrial control parts. We have a proven history of high quality, performance, and reliability. Mitkco will quickly and accurately provide you with high-quality power semiconductors at competitive prices with no minimum order and will deliver them overnight from our extensive inventory. Mitkco is widely acclaimed for the following four points:

  • Keep 403,547 transistor and industrial control parts in warehouse.
  • Customers in 149 different countries.
  • 5 stars rating on trustpilot from over 3200 reviews.
  • Global network of partner suppliers.

Main Products
Darlington, IGBT, IPM, SCR, GTO, Thyristor, Diode, Rectifier Bridge, Mosfet, Fuse, Power supply,Capacitor, Relay, Sensors, Switch, Inverter, PLC, Breaker, Contactor.

Warehouse Operations
Mitkco's global corporate headquarters is located in Shanghai, China. Inside are company's chief offices, call and data centers, as well as our warehouse. The warehouse management system is streamlined to nearly perfect pick-and-ship operations. These high-tech capabilities and the efficient order fulfillment processes allow for fast delivery with same-day shipping on most orders. The data center features a pre-action fire suppression system, connections to multiple power sources, and a dedicated fibre communications ring to ensure uninterrupted Internet operations – a core component of Mitkco's global sales operations.

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